following inscripts was sent by my partner mr.oshodhar, he is a prosperity coach,healer,trainer, effortless life coach.
enjoy his wisdom
I Breathe in Love & Breathe out Abundance!
Today is My Day to Win!
My (Your) Success is Guaranteed!
I Order what I Want! I Attract What I want! I Manifest What I want!
The Entire Universe is Operating according to My Script!
I Love My Life! I am Happy! I Love My World! I am Happy! I am Abundance! I am joy! I am Peace! I am Prosperous! I am Love! I am Healthy! I am Calm! I am Success! I am the Flow! I am In the Flow! I am Life! I am that! I am, I am ... I am Rich beyond my wildest Dreams! I Have more than enough! I Have More than enough Time! I Have More than Enough Money! I have More than Enough Talents! I am Creating My Own Experience! May every person on earth enjoy a life of Effortless Prosperity, Living in Perfect Health, Loving Relationship, Financial Independence, Abundance, Wealth &Freedom. May Everyone Everywhere Realize a spiritual consciousness, awakening, living our lives in Love, joy& Effortless Prosperity!
And so it is...
I am whole complete and perfect in and of Myself!
I thank Universal Intelligence for Utilizing My Energy Too!
Every Moment Is a Miracle! Every Breathe is Love!
Every Particle in this Universe integrates and disintegrates over a period Of Time. Universe Uses My Energy too!
I am Proud Of It!
This Energy can construct or destruct "The Universal Energy" I am aware Of It! I am careful with my Creation!
I Breathe In Love& Breathe Out Blessings!
With love
Oshodhar & kamesh narasimmon
dskowerlife is a unique blend of spritualism and materialism a concept which is brought by us. Through this blog we are happy to meet you and discuss some of most exciting things that are happening around us and how we are ignorant and innocent in not noticing them. this blog is aimed at bringing out awareness and abundance which is burried deep within everybody
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
creativity and our life

"Creative is a state of BEING. It is not about getting or seeking. However, it is impossible to be abundant if your mind is mired in thoughts of worry, guilt or misery."
"Movement gives Life but Stillness is my Grounding."
"Live with Intention. Laugh with Abandonment. Love with Compassion."
This whole programme is About Practising the 3As….
• 1. Inter-Align with CREATIVE/ABUNDANCE
2. Have Awareness of Creative Self Nature
3. Be Non-Attached, recognize impermanence.
For a long time, I associated creativity with artistic talents. Well, I never did not have the chance to develop my artistic abilities from young. Perhaps it was because I did okay in my academic results. So there never was a reason for me to consider studying art seriously. After all, based on popular beliefs and perhaps back in the old days for the majority of artists, the creative profession was never known to be a career that paid well. Compare that to being a banker, accountant, lawyer or a doctor. And so I never got that much of a chance to pick up the paint brush as much as I would like to have.
What was great was once I started my career in marketing, however, I could afford classes that encourage creativity. I dabbled in dancing, playing keyboard , professional cricket and graphic design in my spare time. At one stage, I also made some loose change from selling my creations; even though I did not have any proper qualifications. The beginning signs of an entrepreneur? However, I put a stop to all my hobbies with the pressure of my corporate world.
About five to six years back, I started focusing on inner work. I spent my available time doing energy releases, past life clearing and meditation; as first helping myself, then my family, friends and clients. There was hardly time for anything else, on top of minding my corporate demands.
What emerged interestingly, was the chance to develop other aspects of creativity with the rise of my blog ( Writing for it allowed me self-expression. I found myself happily designing headers, and spending hours writing stories, creating videos, amending my photos, etc. I did almost everything on my own. I started to really enjoyed myself in the process!!
And so it is for me. Creativity is not just about painting a picture or designing a logo. It is how I can integrate many aspects of my life together in a creative output. Work is a seamless expression of my true nature. I still do not have all the answers on how the “final” output is going to look like. I suspect that there is no “final” product to begin with. Because my work is constantly evolving. Who I am is constantly evolving.
I make the intent to bring out the playful, creative, effortless and fun side of myself even greater this year. When I work from an inner creative space, I am connected to my feelings. In the silence, I can guided by an inner voice on how best to express myself. I am no Picasso but most certainly, my works are creations made with love and in the FLOW moments.
(In a recent survey on job satisfaction, funded by 2000 corporations around the world showed job satisfaction at lowest level. While other polls showed relatively stable numbers, this survey reported a decline. What was interesting to me was that in the same newspaper report – Straits Times Monday Jan 18 – it was said that the happiest workers are people in helping professions or doing creative work!! )
Incidentally, I received a number of “signs” that have affirmed the same power word of Creation for me. For instance, when I used my favorite pack of divination cards (tarot cards) mid last year, I pulled out a card like “Ostara: Fertility” card. On the card were the words “It is the perfect time for you to start new projects, access new ideas, and give birth to new conditions”. Most certainly, with a card like “Ostara”, you won’t find me sitting on my butt and twiddling my thumbs for too long!
I started immediately with the intent of “Inspiration” but had a gnawing feeling that I wanted something new to connect with. With regards to intent of inspiration, as of some time ago, I have decided that I would like to inspire others through my site. My intent is to show others the qualities with which I craft my life, inspiring others to do the same with theirs.
Then, I woke up one morning with the word: Gratitude. I kept conveying the message of showing thanks and appreciation in several places. I have more thoughts to share on this. Do keep a lookout for the post!
Creating A Life Of Abundance
Remove Your 10 Blocks To Creativity
Most people, including yourself, may think about about creativity as doing well in art and music. So if you find that you are nowhere near producing great works in these areas, you may well declare that you are not creative. However, I would like to embrace a broader definition of what creativity is.
To begin with, you need not be a genius to be creative. Creativity is a surge – a burst of imaginative and new ideas or your own unique interpretation of your five senses – that arises within your inner Being and turning this surge into reality. It also involves the translation of your unique gifts and talents into something new and useful.
Creativity can also be about problem solving. In fact, you do not need to have a big problem to solve, to be considered creative. If you can solve your everyday problems (home/work place) in an ingenious way or come up with solutions to plug gaps, you are creative.
Creativity is the working of your right hand brain. Unfortunately, many of us have not spent a great deal of time developing this part of the brain when we were younger. Blame it on formal school education, which tends to favor left-brain thinking rather than right brain ones. Left brain thinking involves analysis, logic and linearity. On the other hand, right brain thinking involves creativity, intuition, feeling and aesthetics.
Traditionally, the majority of jobs that involve more left brain thinking skills such as being an accountant or lawyer, tend to pay higher. You often hear of the term “struggling” used for an artist but it is seldom the case for one in the professional and corporate arena. In fact, jobs in accountancy, banking and engineering, are often said to be more stable.
Why You Should Explore Creativity
Creativity is A Way To Self Discovery
Creativity offers you the opportunity to finding out things about yourself, your inner Being. It is about connecting with your natural affinity. It is about going into a space where you can “escape” and experience joy and security. This has been my experience. There have been countless times when I have felt so connected with my inner Being while painting or doing a craft work. More recently, I have been exploring creativity through writing. I enjoy putting a unique spin to old tired themes and drawing on my knowledge from diverse areas to churn out new ideas for thought.
Then again, creativity is not so much about being able to produce great ideas successfully. It is more about the process and the thinking that went behind it. It is about the aspects of spontaniety, imagination, sensitivity and fluency of ideas. It is the fertile soil, out of which seeds of translating ideas from imagination to reality can take root.
“Conditions for creativity are to be puzzled; to concentrate; to accept conflict and tension; to be born everyday; to feel a sense of self.”
— Quote by Erich Fromm (German born American social Philosopher and Psychoanalyst, 1900-1980)
Creativity Brings About Fulfillment
In fact, you will find that those who make use of their creative abilities in their jobs tend to be happier as compared to those who don’t. Creativity is a form of self expression and in that, represents fulfillment. All areas of learning can be potentially creative experiences. Because creativity brings out the very best in ideas, it is possible that those who can incorporate their abilities and imagination into their job, outperform those who don’t.
I know all too well how it feels like if creativity is left buried. One of my biggest grouses is that I never took the opportunity to develop creativity when I was younger. I was a commerce graduate and chose banking as my initial career – both scopes that never quite stoke the fire in me. If anything, I felt bored most of the time. With a new realisation of how creativity fulfills me, I now seek to express myself in a variety of ways.
“It is better to create than to be learned, creating is the true essence of life”
— Quote by Barthold Georg Niebuhr
Creativity Helps You To Problem Solve And Be More Adaptable
For problem solving in difficult and challenging situations, a dose of creativity can be helpful. Here is where out-of-the-box thinking can help generate fresh solutions and also encourage risk taking. Brain storming exercises are useful in this respect.
Being creative also helps you to be flexible and to adapt quickly to changing environments. If you do not nurture creativity from young, you can find it harder to respond to changes especially when they fail to happen as expected. While you may have led a sheltered life when you were younger, as a adult, you will come to know that life is indeed unpredictable. Being stubborn with a refusal to let go of ideas that are out-dated, is a sure creativity killer!
11 Blocks To Creativity
Blocks to creativity exist when you find yourself not having a creative space that you can escape to. Your life feels dull and you do not feel inspired. You experience little joy in what you do. It is more like going through the motions!!
Blocks to creativity also exist if you find yourself falling short of your potential. Your inner knowing tells you that you are capable of much more; yet when you try, it seems hard to have a major breakthrough. It is possible that you are stifling the genius within, when you do not allow adequate self expression.
1. Fear of Criticism. Perhaps one of the biggest blocks to exploring creativity lay in the fears that your ideas will be criticized. You are afraid that you will not receive support. After all, if your ideas are new and have never been explored before, you put yourself at risk of being ridiculed for them. You perceive that the more your ideas deviate from current norms and trends, the greater the chance of receiving a poor response to them. In seeking to protect your fragile ego, you prefer not to voice your ideas. You would rather not even indulge in your creative daydreams to begin with!
2. Fear of Making Mistakes. Then, there is also the fear that you are setting yourself up for more failures by coming up with new ideas. While creativity gives you a chance for innovation, your ideas may turn out to be a success or a complete flop. “Wouldn’t it be safer to stick to conventions or to old and tested ways?” you reasoned. Fear of making mistakes can be a huge obstacle, preventing you from exploring creativity freely.
“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.” — Quote by Erich Fromm
Here is an exciting piece of information for you: When researchers examined outstanding performances in the arts, mathematics and sports, to determine if “the widespread belief that to reach high levels of ability, a person must possess an innate potential called talent”, they discovered the opposite. It is also important to highlight, for instance, that Mozart trained for 16 years before he produced a masterpiece.
While it is true that it is best to develop your innate abilities, the strict definitions of creativity to areas in arts, should not apply. Creativity is also an essential part of innovation and invention and is important in almost every profession. It can be explored, developed and trained in many ways.
“Creativity brings about a flow of focused energy that resonates with abundance and possibilities.” — Quote by Evelyn Lim,
If you are experiencing blocks to creativity, then it is time to do something. Look for ways to remove them. It is possible to enjoy all there is that lies in your imaginative mind!
In the following pages you will be taught on how to bring out the creativity giant inside you.
There for 9 games to play each aimed at improving different aspect of ur creativity.
Lets start
wONDER BOX: A currency note is placed inside a transparent plastic box. The challenge is to remove the currency note from the box without breaking it. The normal reaction of most people is it’s impossible. You will be amazed by the solution as it defies your assumptions.
NAIL PUZZLE : Two nails bent in to strange shapes are interwined and the challenge is to separate them without forcing. A wonderful game for problem solving.
SPRING PUZZLE: A ring is threaded in a spring which is closed at both ends. The challenge is to remove the ring from the spring without breaking the spring. An excellent game for problem solving and lateral thinking.
BOAT PUZZLE: There are two small steel balls inside a plastic boat having a cross-wall in the middle. The boat has two puddles on corners. The balls are to be set to top of each puddle. People often give up after trying for sometime but the solution is so simple you wonder how it could be.
COIN ESCAPE PUZZLE: A coin is placed in to the slot in a transparent plastic disc. The challenge is to remove the coin from the slot without breaking the disc.
‘M’ GAME: Four plastic pieces of different shapes are provided. You have to form the English letter ‘M’ using these 4 pieces. A highly challenging game and the solution is very different from what you expect.
CREATIVE SQUARE GAME ( MODEL: 1): Five plastic pieces of different shapes are provided. You have to form the square using these 5 pieces. A highly challenging game which involves lateral thinking.
CREATIVE SQUARE GAME (MODEL: 2): Seven plastic pieces of different shapes are Provided. You have to form the square using these 7 pieces. A highly challenging game on how to use the resources in a effective way.
‘T’ GAME: Four plastic pieces of different shapes are provided. You have to form the English letter ‘T’ using these 4 pieces. A highly challenging game which involves “Out of the box" thinking Lets PLAY & lets be CrEaTiVe ,
for more info contact: KAMESHNARASIMMON +919884109854
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Very few of us 'get through' this lifetime
without struggles - without facing adversity.
What is SO important to our future survival - our
triumph - our success is - how we HANDLE these setback ---------------------------------------------------------
A parable is told of a farmer who owned a mule. One day, the mule accidently fell into the farmer's well. The animal cried piteously for hours, as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.
After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule - but decided that neither the mule - nor the well – was worth the trouble of saving.
Instead, he called in his neighbors and told them w hat had happened - then, enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the mule alive, in the well - to put him out of his misery.
Initially, the mule was hysterical - he knew his life would soon be over!
Then, amazingly, as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling, and the dirt struck his back, and he shook in pain - out of nowhere, a thought struck him.
It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel lo ad of dirt landed on his back - HE SHOULD SHAKE IT OFF - AND STEP UP on top of the growing pile of dirt beneath him!
This he did - blow after blow after hurtful blow -- "Shake it off and step up! -
shake it off and step up! - shake it off and step up!" he repeated - over and over again - to keep encouraging himself. It was brutal.
His courage gradually overcame his tears of shock and despair.
No matter how painful those blows - or how hopeless the situation seemed - that mule fought off the "panic" and just kept right on - SHAKING IT OFF - AND STEPPING UP!
You're right! It wasn't long before the mule - batt ered, bruised, bloodied, and totally exhausted - STEPPED TRIUMPHANTLY OVER THE WALL OF THAT WELL - and then, he trotted off - with his pride and his dignity in tack!
What seemed like it would bury him [alive] - actually ended up blessing him - all because of the manner in which he HANDLED his terrifying ordeal.
----------------------------------------- -----------------------------
What a "life lesson" for US - because ADVERSITIES are part of life!
Adversities cannot be controlled. BUT - what we can control is how we REACT to them -- our ATTITUDE.
If we face OUR problems - and respond to them positively - and refuse to give in - to fear - to panic - to bitterness - to self-pity -- the adversities that come along to BURY us - will most often have within them, the potential to not only benefit us, but BLESS us too. It is THIS that will move us forward beyond ANY challenge.
FORGIVENESS - FAITH - PRAYER - PRAISE and HOPE -- all are excellent
ways to "SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP" and out of the wells in which we may
find OURselves. _ _ _ _ And always, always, always remember - - -
WE know who we are - it does not “matter” what others may think of us!
Life IS going to shovel dirt on us - all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of OUR well - is to 'shake it off and take a step up'. Each of our troubles can become a "stepping stone" to the other side..
We can get out of the deepest wells just by - not stopping - never giving up - shaking it off - taking a step `upward' - keeping busy and productive.
We need to - free our hearts from hatred - free our minds from worry - live simply - give more - and above all - count our BLESSINGS - count our BLESSINGS. –
"Every adversity, every failure, every hearta che - carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." - [Napoleon Hill]
-- "Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you." - [Jeffrey Gitomer]
-- "Adversity precedes growth." - [Rosemarie Rossett]
-- "Show me someone who has done something worthwhi le - I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity." - [Lou Holtz]
-- "There is no better way than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time." - [Og Mandino]
We CAN overcome adversity.
It will be a critical “stepping stone” to
Very few of us 'get through' this lifetime
without struggles - without facing adversity.
What is SO important to our future survival - our
triumph - our success is - how we HANDLE these setback ---------------------------------------------------------
A parable is told of a farmer who owned a mule. One day, the mule accidently fell into the farmer's well. The animal cried piteously for hours, as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.
After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule - but decided that neither the mule - nor the well – was worth the trouble of saving.
Instead, he called in his neighbors and told them w hat had happened - then, enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the mule alive, in the well - to put him out of his misery.
Initially, the mule was hysterical - he knew his life would soon be over!
Then, amazingly, as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling, and the dirt struck his back, and he shook in pain - out of nowhere, a thought struck him.
It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel lo ad of dirt landed on his back - HE SHOULD SHAKE IT OFF - AND STEP UP on top of the growing pile of dirt beneath him!
This he did - blow after blow after hurtful blow -- "Shake it off and step up! -
shake it off and step up! - shake it off and step up!" he repeated - over and over again - to keep encouraging himself. It was brutal.
His courage gradually overcame his tears of shock and despair.
No matter how painful those blows - or how hopeless the situation seemed - that mule fought off the "panic" and just kept right on - SHAKING IT OFF - AND STEPPING UP!
You're right! It wasn't long before the mule - batt ered, bruised, bloodied, and totally exhausted - STEPPED TRIUMPHANTLY OVER THE WALL OF THAT WELL - and then, he trotted off - with his pride and his dignity in tack!
What seemed like it would bury him [alive] - actually ended up blessing him - all because of the manner in which he HANDLED his terrifying ordeal.
----------------------------------------- -----------------------------
What a "life lesson" for US - because ADVERSITIES are part of life!
Adversities cannot be controlled. BUT - what we can control is how we REACT to them -- our ATTITUDE.
If we face OUR problems - and respond to them positively - and refuse to give in - to fear - to panic - to bitterness - to self-pity -- the adversities that come along to BURY us - will most often have within them, the potential to not only benefit us, but BLESS us too. It is THIS that will move us forward beyond ANY challenge.
FORGIVENESS - FAITH - PRAYER - PRAISE and HOPE -- all are excellent
ways to "SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP" and out of the wells in which we may
find OURselves. _ _ _ _ And always, always, always remember - - -
WE know who we are - it does not “matter” what others may think of us!
Life IS going to shovel dirt on us - all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of OUR well - is to 'shake it off and take a step up'. Each of our troubles can become a "stepping stone" to the other side..
We can get out of the deepest wells just by - not stopping - never giving up - shaking it off - taking a step `upward' - keeping busy and productive.
We need to - free our hearts from hatred - free our minds from worry - live simply - give more - and above all - count our BLESSINGS - count our BLESSINGS. –
"Every adversity, every failure, every hearta che - carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." - [Napoleon Hill]
-- "Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you." - [Jeffrey Gitomer]
-- "Adversity precedes growth." - [Rosemarie Rossett]
-- "Show me someone who has done something worthwhi le - I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity." - [Lou Holtz]
-- "There is no better way than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time." - [Og Mandino]
We CAN overcome adversity.
It will be a critical “stepping stone” to
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Hi friends,
Im very excited to share some more insights on LOA (LAW OF ATTRACTION)
Avoid These Law of Attraction Mistakes
Using the Law of Attraction consciously is a fairly simple process, but it's also easy to get sidetracked by our own negative thoughts and ingrained habits. We think we're doing everything right, but still nothing is happening and we eventually wonder what we're doing wrong!
Does that describe your experience? If you've been having limited success with the Law of Attraction, take a look at three common mistakes below and learn how to resolve them
Im very excited to share some more insights on LOA (LAW OF ATTRACTION)
Avoid These Law of Attraction Mistakes
Using the Law of Attraction consciously is a fairly simple process, but it's also easy to get sidetracked by our own negative thoughts and ingrained habits. We think we're doing everything right, but still nothing is happening and we eventually wonder what we're doing wrong!
Does that describe your experience? If you've been having limited success with the Law of Attraction, take a look at three common mistakes below and learn how to resolve them
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Catalina Island is twenty-one miles away from the coast of
California, and many people have taken the challenge to swim across
On July 4th 1952, Florence Chadwick stepped into the water off
Catalina Island to swim across to the California coast. She
started well and on course, but later fatigue set in, and the
weather became cold.
She persisted, but fifteen hours later, numb and cold, she asked to
be taken out of the water.
After she recovered, she was told that she had been pulled out only
half a mile away from the coast. She commented that she could have
made it, if the fog had not affected her vision and she would have
just seen the land.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
my mission statement

"In the face of constantly changing and conflicting sensory
information, I recognize more and more the magical, infinite, nurturing
reality that I live in. I understand now that I am not the events of my
life. And even if it may feel otherwise, I recognize that I am that which
transcends all the borders of life and death; I am my consciousness and I
have the power to create. I further recognize that living within this
magical reality, as a Creation among my Creations, is the ultimate
adventure. And in this loving and magical reality my thoughts create
matter, dreams come true and love conquers all. Therefore, as I recognize
more and more the power that is within me, I pledge to use them for love,
light and the benefit of all. Finally, I promise to myself to love and be
happy, at all costs, no matter what, with compassion and kindness for All.
So be it."
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